August 16, 2019


1. Enhanced Flow List View :
Enhanced List Views are a great way to sort, prioritize and analyze the records that are most important for us. This feature has been added in flow builder in this release . The new enhanced flow list view in Lightning Experience includes standard flows and custom flows on a single page. Standard flows are built by Salesforce and custom flows are built by users or partners. The new list view also offers clear menu options that help you find flow versions and edit flow details more easily. Quickly access permissions to run a flow with a new menu option.Take a look!

2. Draggable Start Button:
Now, it is possible to drag Start Button anywhere in the canvas. Take a look!

3. Drag - Select Multiple Elements:
Instead of dragging & selecting single element, now you can select & drag multiple elements. Toggling the drag-select button switches from panning to selection mode. Take a look!

4. Lookup Screen Component:
The most awaited "Lookup" component in flow is now available in this release. You can easily add it to flow screen. It contains type-ahead search and shows Recently Viewed Records. Take a look!

5. Conditional Field Visibility:
Without using decision, you can now hide and show component conditionally based on user input in flow builder. For an instance: I have set component visibility on Lookup, if Contact FirstName="Priyanka" then Lookup Component will be visible.

6. Activate Flow From Canvas:
You can now activate flow directly from canvas. You don't need to click back button to activate the flow anymore. Isn't it cool? Take a look!

7. Flow Interview Separate Page:
It is easy to search Paused Flow Interview in Setup. Flows and Interviews are separated now. List view for flow interview follows the look and feel of lightning. Take a look!

8. Schedule Autolaunched Flow:
You can schedule your flow to run on scheduled date and time. Moreover, you can apply condition to see what kind of record data in your schedule. This is applicable in Autolaunched Flow (Flow without screen). Simply select Autolaunched flow and double-click Start button & schedule the flow for particular object record daily, weekly or once. Take a look!

9. Per-Profile Flow Permission:
You can now restrict access of running flow by user profile. Only users with selected profile can run the flow. To enable this, go to flow, select edit access from dropdown, check the checkbox "Override default behaviour and restrict access to enabled profiles or permission sets." & select the profile.

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